An update to the Balthazar 1.0 utility, this program coverts between Windows' WAVE and System 7 sounds. Handles mono, stereo, 8 and -16 bit samples, and is intelligent enough to know the sampling rate (no guessing on your part). Does not do batch processing.
Beats Per Minute
Beats Per Minute is a HyperCard stack for the Macintosh. It is designed to count the beats per minute of a song. The user taps the mouse to the beat of the music and the program reports the beats per minute of that song.
Beep FKEY is an FKEY file that sets a function key to make a beeping sound when hit. It is useful for listening to various beeping sounds.
Chroma 3.2
Chroma is a MIDI utility that lets you see MIDI songs play on an on-screen keyboard. You are also able to send MIDI events using your mouse.
Craig's MOOV Tools™
This package actually contains three separate utilities dealing with sounds and movies: SoundTrack converts movie soundtracks to AIFF format. Movie2Snd converts movie soundtracks to System 7 sound file (sfil). Fast Player is a tiny QuickTime movie player.
Fileplay 1.0
Fileplay 1.0 is a utility which will find and play Macintosh SND files. If the user drags an application or a folder on the icon, the program will find any SND files and prompt the user to play them.
Greetings is a system extension which, upon startup, will greet the user. The greetings depend on the day or the time of the day such as, “Good morning,” or, “Merry Christmas.”
Install Flypaper 1.0 Demo
Install Flypaper is a MIDI utility. Among other uses, the user can examine MIDI from hardware and software sources, store and send MIDI messages, and provide MIDI definitions. The demo version doesn’t allow the user to save session documents, and limits the user to 20 minute sessions. Flypaper requires MIDI Manager and system 7.
ISEE Demo 1.1
Intuitive Sound Editing Environment (ISEE) provides a new way for editing MIDI sounds. It synthesizes sounds using only four parameters: overtones, brightness, articulation and envelope. Currently supports the Yamaha DX7s, DX7II, TG77, SY77 and SY99 synthesizers (required).
MacMod Pro 3.22
MacMod Pro is a MOD player and editor. The user can open up to 100 mods, edit instruments, and perform other handy operations. Color QuickDraw, and System 7.0 are required to use.
Message FKEY
Message FKEY is a Macintosh FKEY utility which uses MacinTalk to speak a random message such as, “Hello,” or “Shut up.”
MidiQT™ Demo
Allows you to play music in real time from your a sequencer directly to QuickTime 2.0. This utility is a system extension for connecting the output of sequencer software to the MIDI synthesizer built into QuickTime 2.0 using Apple's MIDI Manager. The demo is limited to only 1 channel and a piano, but the full 16 channel version, including several instruments, is available for $20.
Movie Sequencer 1.1
Will play any number of QuickTime movies in a random order, or create a “play-list” to play them in the order of your choosing. Supports drag and drop and includes documentation.
MPEG Audio 1.0a6 (No FPU)
This conversion application supports drag and drop, drag you MPEG audio files onto the icon and they will be converted to the AIFF format.
MPEG Audio for Macintosh
Will convert/play MPEG audio files on the Mac. Based on the program Maplay1.2, it is distributed under the GNU public license. Will work on Macs with a FPU running System 7, but will probably be best on a PowerPC. This program does not have the standard Mac interface.
MultiMusicMovieMaker 0.5
A utility to merge QuickTime 2.0 music files. It is useful in making 'Music' file for Marathon Demo.
Nightingale 2.0 Demo
This demo contains everything the full version does, except it cannot save. Some features include music publishing, OCR note reading, real time MIDI record/playback, 100 voices, complete layout control, transpositioning, and speed. All four folders (Demo, Essentials, Extras and Tutor) are required for it to work.
Nightingale 2.0 Essentials
This demo contains everything the full version does, except it cannot save. Some features include music publishing, OCR note reading, real time MIDI record/playback, 100 voices, complete layout control, transpositioning, and speed. All four folders (Demo, Essentials, Extras and Tutor) are required for it to work.
Nightingale 2.0 Extras
This demo contains everything the full version does, except it cannot save. Some features include music publishing, OCR note reading, real time MIDI record/playback, 100 voices, complete layout control, transpositioning, and speed. All four folders (Demo, Essentials, Extras and Tutor) are required for it to work.
Nightingale 2.0 Tutor
This demo contains everything the full version does, except it cannot save. Some features include music publishing, OCR note reading, real time MIDI record/playback, 100 voices, complete layout control, transpositioning, and speed. All four folders (Demo, Essentials, Extras and Tutor) are required for it to work.
Opcode Audioshop Demo
Demo version of an 8- or 16-bit audio editor and CD control application with approximately the same capabilities as Sound Edit 16. It is not a mini-studio like DeckII or Digitrax.
PatiFone 1.0
PatiFone is a utility which, when applied, plays the sounds of an application or folder. It is small and can be used as a drag and drop application.
Power Transformer 1.0
This Sound Designer II plug-in is designed to alter volumes and perform wave shaping on digital audio files. Control is handled by manipulating the amplification response curve (a spline) via nine sliders. It allows real time auditioning of changes before processing.
PRO CD 1.1
PRO CD is a sound utility for the Macintosh. It converts a CD ROM drive into an audio CD player. This player has some unique features such as a 10 line display and an audio mixer.
PRO CD Remote 1.0
PRO CD Remote is a remote control utility to be used in conjunction with PRO CD 1.1, an audio CD player for Macintosh CD ROM drives.
Pro Sonic FXL Installer
Creates a DOS disk allowing you to sample several features on your workstation directly with your ASR-10. For example, a 4-pole resonant filter, real time time-stretching, rave tracing and a space filter. Full, editable version is available.
Say It FKEY is a Macintosh FKEY utility which uses MacinTalk to speak the contents of the Clipboard.
Scan Sounds
Scan Sounds is a package that contains a sound searching utility called Snap Crack and Pop. From the pull-down menu, the user can search through folders, list and play sounds.
SndCollector 1.1
Sound Collector is designed for those users with large collections of sounds. It can catalog a large collection of sounds, keeping the catalog in a database format, then writes an output to a TeachText file.
SndRecorder 1.0a3
SndRecorder is a utility that uses the Sound Input Manager under System 7 to record sounds directly into a suitcase.
Sound Adjustment Scripts
These scripts will automatically reconfigure the sound control panel for playing CDs, using the GeoPort or Plaintalk Speech Recognition. Requires AppleScript and the QuicKeys OSA Component.
Sound Sculptor 1.1.1
Sound Sculptor has many high end comparable features and flexabilities. It features sound drawing tools. envelopes and LFO’s. This versions is a debugging release which fixes all known bugs.
SoundMorph™ 1.12
SoundMorph is a sound morphing utility. It will take two separate sound files and morph them into one according to user settings. SoundMorph works with AIFF files, therefore the user might need a companion sound utility which supports AIFF files (like Sound Manager 3.1) to get the full effect.
SoundScape 2.1.1
This Control Panel will plays bird calls at random intervals . You can set up quick key combinations that will start and stop the bird calls.